What is a living room tea table?

What is a living room tea table and how does it differ from a coffee table?
Some people may ask “Why is it called a coffee table and not a tea table or drink table?” The
simple answer is that a tea table is a different item of furniture from a coffee table. It is worth
knowing the difference between a tea table and a coffee table so you can consider whether or not you would want to buy a living room
tea table.
In effect a tea table differs from a coffee table because they tend to be higher­ this is especially
recommended if you have a high ceiling because a lower coffee table may exaggerate the high
ceiling in a way that a higher tea table wouldn’t do.
Aside from this there is also the issue of the look of a tea table. You may go for an antique or
antique reproduction. Ultimately when you buy a living room tea table your consideration should
be the same as any other item of furniture­ consider how it will work in the context of your room
and how it fits the overall interior design.